Tourist Visa Extension in Chile

How to Extend your Tourist Visa in Chile in 2021

Here is a step by step guide on how to extend your tourist visa in Chile in 2021.

If you are considering moving to Chile check out this blogpost How to Apply to Chile’s Temporary Visa.

Chile is currently in un “Estado de Catástrofe” due to the pandemic and it is not clear for how long. What does that mean for you? One thing, the price. It usually costs 100 USD to get the visa extension, but it is currently ~736 pesos, around 1 USD. 

Step 1: Applying for the Tourist Visa Extension.

Start by going to the tramites website, scroll to the section Otros trámites and find Prórroga de Turismo it should be in the middle column. 

How to Extend you Tourist visa in chile

Proceed to the Identificación del Solicitante page, and you will see a dropdown menu. 

Select Solictar Prorroga. First, fill out all your personal information. Next, you will be required to upload two documents.

You will need to upload:

  1. Your passport page
  2. PDI paper, this is the one you receive at immigration. 
How to Extend you Tourist visa in chile

Click Submit, and you should get an email confirming your request. 

Six days later, I received an email.

Step 2: Paying for the Tourist Visa Extension. 

You will receive an email saying: Giro del Orden. There should be a PDF document attached that is the giro. 

How to Extend you Tourist visa in chile

Unfortunately, there is no online payment option, so you have to pay it in person. 

You first need to print this document. Santiago has printing locations or internet cafes; you can send the document and get it printed. 

Once you complete this step, you need to go to the bank. I went to, Banco Estado. 

There I waited in line and then showed the teller the paper. They knew what to do, so no further explanation on my end was necessary. 

I paid in cash since it only cost 736 pesos. 

The teller will return the paper with a stamp and a receipt attached. 

How to Extend you Tourist visa in chile

Step 3: Uploading the Giro.

The next step requires you to go to the same website as when you applied for the extension. You follow the same steps till you get to the dropdown. This time you will select Envio Orden de Pago.

How to Extend you Tourist visa in chile

You fill out all your personal info and upload the document you received from the teller. 

Once you complete and submit, you should receive an email confirming your request. 

I received an email my visa was extended three days later. 

Step 4:  The Final Step

Once you received the email, there should be a PDF attached that is your extension document. 

You must print this document and keep it with your passport for it to be valid.


  1. Make sure to have a pdf version of your documents. If you have an iPhone, you can use the Notes app to scan the documents. There are also apps you can use. 
  2. The banks have long lines. Sometimes there are two different entrances for different services. We asked an employee where we had to line up, and she pointed to the short line. Ask, don’t waste time in a long line. 

Final Thoughts

The overall process to extend your tourist visa is painless but annoying, especially if you live in a comuna still in fase 1. You will need to use one of your permisos for this. On the bright side, you are paying 99USD less right now. 

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