why you should teach abroad

4 Reasons Why You Should Teach English Abroad

One of the most popular ways to move and live in another country is to teach English. You probably think teaching is probably not for me, or it is not the traveler I want to be, and I hear you but give me a couple of minutes to share 4 reasons why you should teach abroad. 

Reason 1: You get to LIVE abroad.

It seems obvious, but that is one of the best reasons to teach English abroad, in my opinion. You do not have to pack your bags after one or two weeks of travel; you get to call a new city or country home. Additionally, you get the opportunity to experience day-to-day life. Get to know your neighborhood intimately, find your go-to coffee spot, build that rapport with your neighbors (or maybe not); these are moments you can’t have if you travel for a week or two.  

Pride Parade in Chile
Pride Parade in Chile.

Living abroad also allows you to experience holidays and trust me, you want to experience this. You get to see the country’s traditions for their holidays and have an opportunity to immerse yourself.

I remember experiencing “el dieciocho (18)” here in Chile. It was real cultural immersion going to the fondas, basically a state fair, having traditional foods and the famous ‘terremoto’ drink. I could have read all about this online, but experiencing it was even better and enriched my time abroad.

Celebrating ‘el dieciocho’ with my coworkers.

Reason 2: Working abroad.

Living and working abroad is different. Teaching English abroad gives you the chance to work and experience the work culture. You can be a digital nomad and live abroad, but you never step foot in a place of work. 

You miss out on experiencing the work environment, norms, culture, and building relationships with your co-workers. If you like to travel for culture, understanding a country’s history, politics then working in the country is the best exposure. I learned a lot about the day-to-day problems my students and fellow teachers faced. The politics I saw on the news were put into context and explained to me. It is a genuine cultural exchange between teachers.

Reason 3: Students are the best teachers.

Whether they are young, middle-aged, or adults, they are the best teachers. Students are so eager to share about their culture. They will tell you all you need to know about their country. The best recommendations came from my students.

In Chile, I taught for 18-25 years old. I was told the best places to visit, foods to try, drinks to have for el 18, nightlife, and music. Now I can’t guarantee every classroom you teach English abroad will be the same because teacher-student dynamics are different. Still, if you genuinely build that relationship with them, it opens the door for a great learning experience.

Teaching in Chile
Here I am with some of my students on the last day of the semester.

Reason 4: It is more eco-friendly. 

If you love the environment, living abroad is a great way to be a more conscious traveler. 

I want to make clear I am not an expert in this; however, I am someone who cares for the environment, and in my own research and knowledge-seeking, I have come to learn Airplanes have a considerable carbon footprint. Quick travel, such as flying from country to country every week or multiple times a year, contributes to global emissions in a big way. 

I am not saying to stop flying. I am still taking planes to get to my destinations but living abroad can help lower your carbon footprint. How? Since you live in a country, you get what other people who are there for a week don’t get; time. You have the time to visit nearby counties or different cities by bus or train. It is often much cheaper than taking planes.

Border of Chile and Argentina
On the bus heading to Argentina.

Now, I hope I convinced you a little bit if you were on the fence. If I didn’t get you to go and teach English abroad, then I hope I inspired you to travel differently and more authentically.  

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